Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dairy Steer - A Little History

The county I live in is known for fox hunting, horse breeding, polo, steeplechases, and international show horses of the Olympic caliber. But what a lot of people have lost in our local history is that our county, up until  1919 was one of the largest dairy producers in the state. We were known for our dairy cattle and milk.

"Steer in Pines"
Click here to see this and other Fine Art Originals
One of those older Family operated dairy farms is still in existence less than a mile from me. Their huge silage silos stand as a beacon, being the tallest buildings in the area dwarfed only by Dominion's power lines.

Even though I have lived in this county for  20 years,  I am still the outsider. Most of the people here still can trace their ancestry back before the civil war. They are progressive but traditional. Practical people who are down to earth and help each other and have known each other for generations.

They are not afraid to change with the times. The dairy farm, I sometimes drive by, that inspires some of my cow drawings does practice USDA required practices.They also take some of those baby bulls and raise them on grass. These are the dairy steers that I paint  and draw sometimes.

About the Drawing:
"Steer In Pines"
by Linda L Martin
Graphite on Paper
5 by 8.5 Inches
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 Art shop in Etsy: LindaLMartin.etsy.com  or email me at info@llmartin.com

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